location iconBengaluru, India
email iconprerakjain1007@gmail.comcopy to clipboard icon

Full StackEngineerwho can also setup yourAWS Cloud Infrastructure




Microservices, Clean Architecture, Node/Express, Golang, SQL and NoSQL databases (MySQL/PostgresSQL, DynamoDB, MongoDB), Docker, CI/CD


JavaScript, TypeScript, React, Nextjs, Tailwind, Web Security, Web Performance

AWS - Amazon Web Services

I can deploy dockerized containers using ECR, ECS on Fargate & EC2, discoverable through Cloud Map, connected to private isolated RDS database instances, secured along with several other components inside VPCs across regions, behind load balancers and API Gateways, with Cognito for authorization and authentication of requests coming via Cloudfront and S3 served frontend, with a custom domain and DNS provided by Route53.

I can build serverless applications with Lambda functions. I can make the system communicate asynchronously with SQS, SNS, Eventbridge, that promotes high availability, resiliency, and provides the basis for high scalability. I can also setup CICD pipelines using CodePipeline and CodeBuild, along with some best practices such as following the principle of least priviledge in IAM, storing secrets in Secrets Manager, etc. Last but not the least, I understand how DynamoDB works.

I can spin up all of the above infrastructure as code using AWS CDK and Terraform.